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How to be confident, centered and adaptable whilst embracing uncertainty.

We have ZERO control over anything outside of us. ZERO. And yet, so many of us continue to wrestle with the reality of our circumstances and find ourselves resentful when life decides to throw a curve-ball into our plans.

Our misery begins the moment we argue with (and refuse to ACCEPT) what IS. This is made worse when we dig our heels in and take actions in an attempt to change the things we simply cannot. Acceptance is NOT condoning nor desiring something; but it is taking full responsibility for what we do have control over. Just as when a women falls out-of-love or decides to pursue another relationship, acceptance does not mean you morally agree with what is happening. Only that you understand where your strength lies and focus your energies into useful pursuits (and not an attempt at changing things outside of you to make you feel better). So how does one remain calm and centred when all hell is breaking loose around them? You have a firm grasp on:




These things are not predicated on anyone else's input nor participation. They are your own operating principles. When you KNOW these three things you have a foundation to fall back on when life throws things at you. When things happen that are out of your control you can rely on the knowing that these fundamental truths will remain. These become the certainty that you are seeking outside of you! With these in place you can let go of attachment to any particular outcome and understand that the achieving of (any) of those particular outcomes will heed ZERO long term sustainable contentment. In the short term they may feel great, make life easier and appear to bring with them a degree of comfort; but neither of those things (in and of themselves) are enough to you content permanently. We require challenge for there to be growth. Without growth we become stagnant, when stagnant we become reliant on others for our basic functioning and from there we set ourselves up to try and manipulate situations and people in order to maintain our own steady flow of energy to live off. The moment you disconnect from an energy source that you have attached to (and are leeching from) will be the moment you understand that you ARE already self-sufficient and have no need to rely upon anyone for anything. This shift takes you from being a victim of circumstance that TAKES from others and drains them and lives from a place of LACKING to the person that can rely on themselves to self-generate all the love, affection and positivity they could ever need. When you have an endless supply (or at least understand that the well-spring is within you) that is the place from which you can begin to live in a state of ABUNDANCE. When you realise that you can never run out of these things and that they are not be gotten from anyone else, but that they are GIFTS to give others without any need to get anything in return - it can never be taken away form you. Even in the most challenging of times you can draw on your own capacity to create the love that you seek. It won't change the past, but the beauty is that it doesn't need to. What it can do is change your future.

This will be here long after you and your problems have gone; choose what you give a fuck about wisely!

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